I definitely need to post some pics... it's funny... haven't gotten any pics with my new tattoo
life's been pretty great....
lots of adventures...
lots of movies....
everyone should see this short film from germany called "the greatest love affair of the past century" it's just sooooo damn good! it's funny it's cute.... loved it.... i just saw it on this amazing short film festival called expresin en corto... which actually takes place at this beautiful city called guanajuato.... hopefully soon i'll post some pics...

life's been pretty great....
lots of adventures...
lots of movies....
everyone should see this short film from germany called "the greatest love affair of the past century" it's just sooooo damn good! it's funny it's cute.... loved it.... i just saw it on this amazing short film festival called expresin en corto... which actually takes place at this beautiful city called guanajuato.... hopefully soon i'll post some pics...

y vivamos las mexicanas YEAH!
*te abraza*
como tas?