Well...I slept in this morning. Guh. This is the first time I've slept through a class all semester. Even worse that I slept through the class, is that I didn't go running this morning
I want so badly to stay on the schedule of going to the gym 3 times a week. Maybe we will have to go tomorrow morning to make up for missing today.
I suppose there was a good reason for me sleeping in. I was up late last night finishing the demo
It's mastered and completed. I must say that it sounds really good for a real quick and dirty demo. If anyone wants to hear it, let me know and I can send you a couple mp3s.
While you're thinking about it, you should go to my band's website
Secretary. I know, I know...shameless plugs.
p.s. We're going on tour over spring break, so if youre in the midwest, we will probably be near you

I suppose there was a good reason for me sleeping in. I was up late last night finishing the demo

While you're thinking about it, you should go to my band's website
Secretary. I know, I know...shameless plugs.
p.s. We're going on tour over spring break, so if youre in the midwest, we will probably be near you

I do want to hear your band, so send mp3s away.
once i slept through a group project/presentation that was 60% of the class grade for the semester. the damn prof wouldn't even give me a 50 for preparing all the work during the 2 months we put into the project. all i needed to pass the class was a 50. needless to say, he was a bastard, and i failed.