Good evening everyone! I just got off of work, and boy are my arms tired! Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here til Tuesday. Try the veal.
Whoo...that was random.
So, my Christmas was pretty good. I got really nice presents. Emaline got me a Sonic Maximizer, which made me very happy! My guitar will be Maximized! My dad and step-mom got me a pretty cool spike belt and a Miles Davis t-shirt that was two sizes too big. It was an XL and was gianormous. How fat do they think I am?
I guess the best part was spending time with my family in a happier setting than recently. Although there was a little bit of sadness at my grandparents house, it was mostly a really good, stress-free (as stress free as my family ever gets) Christmas.
Have you gotten a speeding ticket? If so, was the cop an ass?
Whoo...that was random.
So, my Christmas was pretty good. I got really nice presents. Emaline got me a Sonic Maximizer, which made me very happy! My guitar will be Maximized! My dad and step-mom got me a pretty cool spike belt and a Miles Davis t-shirt that was two sizes too big. It was an XL and was gianormous. How fat do they think I am?

I guess the best part was spending time with my family in a happier setting than recently. Although there was a little bit of sadness at my grandparents house, it was mostly a really good, stress-free (as stress free as my family ever gets) Christmas.
Have you gotten a speeding ticket? If so, was the cop an ass?
The second time I was driving in Mississippi. I was the only person on the road, and he followed me for about 10 miles before making me pull over. "I clocked you at 79... The speed limit is 70!" It took everything in me not to laugh in his face. He was fairly nice about it though, and let me go with a warning.
The third and final time I was here in Florida, in an unfamiliar part of town, hauling ass because I was late for work. I ran right into a speed trap, doing 60 in a 40. The cop was awesome though, and I ended up only having to pay a $35 ticket.
What about you?