need brown gravy for that.
thank you soo much for your kind words on my set, dear! *happy tears* it means a lot to me <333
As of September 25th, I'll be temporarily closing my account. I'm currently unemployed, and my mother refuses to pay for a subscription to a porn site. I should be back as soon as I get myself a job.
One never notices how tiny and insignificant their life really is until they begin to pack it up, section at a time, into plastic bags. (Conversely, one never notices how large their wardrobe is until they are forced to squish it into a suitcase and a duffle bag.)
Moving day tomorrow! Back to Liverpool. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see you one...
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Moving day tomorrow! Back to Liverpool. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see you one...
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In that case : good luck!
I hope that everything goes well 

When are you back next? 

I finally put my darling circular barbell in my septum piercing the other day. It's only 16g - which I know makes a number of people blanch at the idea - but I don't care. It's the most adorable piece of metal ever.
There is something utterly exhilarating about having metal under my skin. More so now that my piercing is visible, as for the...
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There is something utterly exhilarating about having metal under my skin. More so now that my piercing is visible, as for the...
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Is that a Fifth Element quote I see? Best movie of all time. I know that's corny, but it's damn true.
there is talk of an SG east coast gathering,
There are a few more actual SGs now and limbo girls (Tinker being the latest addition) Keegan and I are working on at least a shindig. Shows are a bit more complex.
Nice bars in Halifax? eep.
haha. the Tribeca seems to be a hot spot these days although I do not go, Reflections ( an ex gay bar) is the preferred place to dance... I'll have to think of recommendations.. we'll talk 
There are a few more actual SGs now and limbo girls (Tinker being the latest addition) Keegan and I are working on at least a shindig. Shows are a bit more complex.
Nice bars in Halifax? eep.

that episode of csi: ny was pretty goddamn awesome, i'd say.
excuse me while i nurse my everinflamed crush for miss nixon suicide.
excuse me while i nurse my everinflamed crush for miss nixon suicide.
hey girl welcome to PSW, we can't wait to see and hear more of you 

i also have a crazy crush on that woman. she was in Hali for the burlesque- did you catch her?
i never thought id have another set either.. an embarrasing # rejected- check some of them out in my most recent journal update! lol
but seriously- thanks for the comment on my set (even if i am crazy belated) and let me know if you ever come down this way..
and totally- east coast represent.
i never thought id have another set either.. an embarrasing # rejected- check some of them out in my most recent journal update! lol
but seriously- thanks for the comment on my set (even if i am crazy belated) and let me know if you ever come down this way..
and totally- east coast represent.

i really haven't had much time at all for the computer as of late.
that's a lie.
when you spend all day behind a computer doing schoolwork, you don't quite feel like dealing with the machines when you get home.
plenty of free time.
i enjoy what i'm doing. don't for one second think i'm not.
i wouldn't give up my current life,...
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that's a lie.
when you spend all day behind a computer doing schoolwork, you don't quite feel like dealing with the machines when you get home.
plenty of free time.
i enjoy what i'm doing. don't for one second think i'm not.
i wouldn't give up my current life,...
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ya, I like my life too
I take it you were at the concert aswell. im not going to lie, i wasnt very impressed.
how is middleton? im new to the east, but it has treated me well so far.
how is middleton? im new to the east, but it has treated me well so far.
why do people feel so inclined as to piss me the fuck off lately? some people are in such desperate need of a reality check that it's really getting ridiculous.
when i grow up, i want to live in the woods & be a hermit. no. seriously. i mean that.
when i grow up, i want to live in the woods & be a hermit. no. seriously. i mean that.
Holy crap, you're definently ahead of me when it comes to pencil realted injuries.
But I /know/ I'm ahead in space heater grilling injuries.
I feel like I've won and lost at the same time.
But I /know/ I'm ahead in space heater grilling injuries.

I'd take the mask off, but I look so damn good in it. And I never have to comb my hair, and I'm really intimidating at poker...
My space heater grilling just left some nice dashes across my forearm, nothing that big a deal. My right hand and leg are the only things sore as hell today
I don't have any kind of website or deviantart or anything, I just draw as a hobby. Something to do when I'm bored or needing an outlet and don't feel like writing. I've been meaning to put up a few more drawings though, just need to scan 'em in. Heh, but thanks, I appreciate the nice words--they'll give me more incentive to get more up

My space heater grilling just left some nice dashes across my forearm, nothing that big a deal. My right hand and leg are the only things sore as hell today

I don't have any kind of website or deviantart or anything, I just draw as a hobby. Something to do when I'm bored or needing an outlet and don't feel like writing. I've been meaning to put up a few more drawings though, just need to scan 'em in. Heh, but thanks, I appreciate the nice words--they'll give me more incentive to get more up

december is the month for remembering all the new year's resolutions you never resolved & the things you didn't do with your life.
&&&; thinking about you makes me twitch.
&&&; thinking about you makes me twitch.
I'm trying to figure out how NOT to have my town display, because I'm kind of in the music industry and people are starting to come up to me saying they found me on here... which would be fine if some of them weren't so creepy!
but yeah... I'm from New Minas
but yeah... I'm from New Minas

in pic 9, 10 and 12 of your folder u are very pretty. waitin to see you debut set. good luck sweetheart
i'm back & fuckin' awesomer than ever.
hey my dad lives in liverpool...
very cool...I am not looking forward to going to Greenwood, but its only for a short time
whatever happened to sgcanada east? it was still nice to know that there were fellow east coasters in this place.