It's been 4 weeks so far and I didn't realize how much I would love it. I also didn't realize how much you have to learn, which is great, but I had this judgment (as Im sure others do) that it was just learning how to do certain abilities. BUT, we learn anatomy, bacteriology, chemistry, all sorts of things. Im even learning spanish technically haha. Im very grateful, to be in a surrounding where my past work has got me to a point that I don't slack and I do take advantage of the opportunity to learn.
Before, I hated school. Shit, I would (no exaggeration) cry everyday from age 10 to college when I woke up because I hated going. I was a good student, but my mental state just couldn't handle. Now, Im at a point where I wake up and I'm excited to go. It's surreal.
I can't wait to see where this takes me :)
Also the first weekend of December im getting my eyebrows brushstroked tattooed in La @lyxzen @kiley let me see your facesss
I need to know more info about this eyebrow situation... and I need to see you!
Wahhhh, I will be in Las Vegas that weekend! :(