@missy @rambo @lyxzen always give us great blog ideas, but today I thought I'd just give a little update on life.
Things have been easy on my end. I started a plan to sell my vegan treats locally which should be exciting. I've been waiting for a little push of inspiration to do something. Modeling is only so fullfilling, and I feel like that part of my life is dwindling. I feel less narcissistic and materialistic and don't feel like putting on a face for people all the time. That may seem harsh, but its the truth. I dont want to play the game anymore. Being a part of Suicidegirls is a totally different story, so don't go thinkin I'm leaving!
I was trying music, but as much as I love playing, it feels like I just don't want to push myself hard enough, and I'm not going to force that. When people say they like my music, I always feel like they are either lying or trying to be nice. I know that may not be the case, but it's just how I feel.
But I get some a smile and sense of accomplishment from someone enjoying my food. I like that feeling, and I like selling, so I'm gonna go down that path for a while and see where it takes me.
I live with a man that believes in minimalism, naturalness, and doesn't enjoy social networking. Over the course of 5 years, it has rubbed off on me as I cling to dear life on instagram haha. Things are changing, and I like it. I feel a sense of freedom and finally being myself. I feel like I say that a lot though. Using up all my crazy hair colors and going natural. Not wearing much makeup. Not worrying about what party or how to get famous or if someone likes you. It's all silly.
I may be getting a few of my wisdom teeth out this week. I'm scared. I have impacted teeth and they arent popping out yet but they hurt bad, and i'm pretty sure they are making me sick. Im going to Mexico to a dentist I've never met (but ive heard good things) because I have no insurance. It's at least 1/4 of the cost-glory!
And in July I'm taking a 2 week van trip across all the state parks in California. Were going to go look at some towns up North for land and future promises.
Oh let me throw in some random photos
And if you haven't checked out my set, you can view it here:
Bloomed Hearts shot by @cdo