Comic Con was amazing. I got to meet new ladies and visit old friends, became closer than ever with some great girls that it was so hard to leave. In the beginning it was rough, everything just needed to fall into place. Thank you @missy and @sean for offering a place where I can be myself, and organizing such a rad event. Thank you @lyxzen @lolana and @damsel for helping out so much and being great people.
There were two parts to Comic Con: the booth and the Sin City area at Petco Park, hence the costumes
Got to spend a lot of time with @raleigh a lady I will forever keep as a friend. Feels like we have been friends for years, but really this was the second real time we hung out. Suicidegirls brings so many lady friends I will cherish.
I got to meet @lua @ness @myca and a lot of other girls as well!
Hanging out with Cameron and meeting Lora Zombie was also a high light. Cameron is such an easy going guy, I wish there would have been more escapades but we survived this year so i think that counts for something. Lora is also one of the most adorable unicorns, her personality shines through her beauty and I am so honored to have met her!
Meeting @lyxzen was freaking exciting. I've only stared from the far off internet worlds , so meeting her in person was really great. Even through all the stress she had to go through in helping organize the event, she still was lovely as ever :)
And these ladies, jeebus. I love them so much. I can't even put into words how much. Luckily, I get to see (most of them) during Hell City, but a little sad that after that it will be awhile.
Well we are coming to a close
Boo, I know. For those of you who didn't attend Comic Con: I know you all feel the missing out portion, but if t makes you feel any better, the amount of people there could put anyone into a self induced heart attack. It was fun, but exhausting. I hope to see you all at the next con: Hell City where I'll be helping @sunshine as well as shooting a new set! I'm so stoked, it's going to be good :)