This week in SG, @missy and @rambo has asked us to teach you something new. So, with the oh so many talents I possess, I will teach you the one that I am most confident in. And that is..
How to be a chicken whisperer.
So, the first step:
You better have treats-chickens will love you forever if you have food. I lure my babies in with my boyfriends home made yogurt, applesauce, sunflower seeds without the shell, cilantro, and blueberries. They make fat chicken noises for bananas, as that is their favorite. Sometimes chicken scratch isn't enough, and they will think you are extra special if youve got last nights leftovers for them as they are fit for a king! Or queen.
Spend a lot of time with them-This goes without saying, every animal deserves an insane amount of love, and thats what Ive got for these egg laying princesses. If they know you're there, they will feel safer from predators and eventually envision you as their mother or rooster, however you choose. When a sound they don't recognize happens, they first look up, and then find me to see my reaction. I am the chicken master.
Talk to them-yes, I have full blown conversations with them. Partially to see if they respond back and to let them know im friendly. Partially because when I'm outside I tend to be smoking pot, and well, we all know where that leads us.
Chickens love to cuddle-And this is how you use your sweet skills. Chickens don't like fast movements or movements directly towards them, they will see you as a predator rather than a friend. Instead, walk around them if you are passing by, making sure they see you. Move your feet a little slower and try to look smaller. Then, you must sit by them and let them come to you. This takes patience and time, but this is what need to be done to become the master. Like all skills.
I sit cross-legged and open my arms a little bit. Then they run towards me and plop their heads on me like cats.
And those are the first steps to becoming a chicken whisperer. Chickens are amazing pets and show affection better than any animal I've had. I hope this shows people a little perspective on being vegan or maybe even choosing just not to eat these great animals. The more you know!