I went camping this weekend. I sweat all the impurities, never once touched makeup, and swam in the river smoking pot on my umbrella chair. It was blazing hot but the water kept us cool. We took mushrooms at night and ate grilled vegetables for nourishment. I discovered hairy beetles and yelled at horseflies
Last week I got the lovely gift of impetigo thanks to my job

And I'm making cupcakes

We did a wedding. Half the cupcakes melted on the way there but we managed to re-decorate them on time

I know I've been lacking on the words lately. I just don't know what to say really. I feel distanced between the site even though I log in every day and lurk on comments and other peoples blogs. The girls have almost started looking identical and I'm not familiar with them enough to keep track of their adventures. I want to make a trip to LA again. I want to feel a part of a community. I guess until next time, everyone have a lovely day!

Damn, now I want cupcakes.