New tattoo!

I've been working on art lately
I started to think about the point in my life and how it's new to me. I've been so use to going to school, going through breakups, always changing medication, always stressed out about something and everything. Now, i'm in a point in my life right now I've made for myself, and tried really hard doing so. I'm not cured, but i live a life of stability but repitition. Wake up, enjoy the morning, hang out with my boyfriend, go to work, eat dinner with boyfriend, watch a movie, go to sleep. Do it all over again. It's peaceful no doubt, and I'm not complaining. I'm just having difficulties turning into a grown up with a mediocre life, haha. Living in the valley can get you stuck, but I'm not. I like it this way. Boring, clean, expectable. This year I plan to make more memories though, and not about which movie I saw last time. I'm going to travel as much as my work will make possible, since I work full time and just took a shitload of days off for being sick.
I think I'm rambling. Anyway more pictures
and also I'm on instragram as "exning"..I think