hopeful Amarena
How great would she be for the site?
This girls got energy and sex appeal
Such a lovely girl and a beautiful set
She amazes me everytime
hopeful EmilyJohnston
Good lord, look at that face
Someday I will kidnap her
My secret girlfriend, such a great model
Beautifully done and I just love her tattoos too much
I always love her sets
and some great ones in the future that I cant wait for from:
Okay, well that's that.
I'm still sober, I think this is the third weekend that's passed. Life is uneventful and stressful for no reason. I've been smoking pot, but believe it or not, it's a little difficult getting it down here even with the border a few minutes away. I really need to get my card, but driving 2 hours too pay money to smoke weed just doesn't appeal to me.
^That's my reaction
^That's my everyday face
^and those are my boobs
^a favorite picture of myself from an old set that wasn't bought
Coffee, treadmill, yoga and putting this house together has been consuming my life. It makes me feel ridiculous when these are the things I have to think about, yet my brain is still a jumble and feels like there's something else. That's the problem about having a mental health problem, the unexplainable emotions are always hard to manage and you end up making excuses for them. I've learned to live with this and keep most the issue to myself rather than creating a problem so I then have a reason to feel this way when really it's just my brain saying it needs to be shaken up.
End of rant. I'm actually in a good state right now so don't feel bad. We got an entertainment center, I am an avid Risk Factions player on the PS3 (FollowTheLaser-add me!), and my rabbits are both fixed so my house doesn't smell like a cage. What's new with you?