Always hot girls in my blogs, and these are for the girls in member review! Some of these girls I got to meet out in LA during LAshootfest and getting to know them made it more frustrating that they are still in member review. Soo, here I go doing my part

Oh and more?
PHEW! That was difficult. Anyway, I bought a new camera, a nice one. A Canon Rebel T3i with a tripod. I'm still a beginner, so it's nice to work with. I'm starting it on some self shooting:
And please don't forget Dreamworld, met set in MR. Everyday I get a little bit sad it's not on the front page, and I really want this so please vote For now here are my favorite shots from it:
Hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday.
You should totally be on the front page. I keep waiting on it.