3 things to talk about today. One being that Missy gave us the idea of posting a video for facebook on why we love SG and what got us to join. So I decided to do a real quick one because I'm nervous about recording myself but I thought this was a cool idea. It was my first time trying out the macbook so of course, ten years later I figured out how to do it on youtube. Notice the t-shirt is from Doctor's clothing line 
The second being that I have new pictures. My hair is getting longer and I've been partying too much. With that, I've gotten sick for about 3 weeks and the antibiotics are kicking my ass. Smoking doesn't help of course, but I haven't been able to drink, which is sad.

The second being that I have new pictures. My hair is getting longer and I've been partying too much. With that, I've gotten sick for about 3 weeks and the antibiotics are kicking my ass. Smoking doesn't help of course, but I haven't been able to drink, which is sad.
Third! Is that I have been uploading music on my music page: Exning Music! It's just me playing acoustic but I thought I'd share it with you all. I remember a year ago I was absolutely terrified of playing in front of a few people. Now, I've played two small live shows and am starting to record for Christmas time
If this is the case and you haven't gotten my last two replies, send me a message with a better way to get a hold of you...
If you got the replies, just ignore this. =D