On September 11 when the twin towers hit I was getting suspended for owning the anarchist cookbook. My friend was borrowing it for some much needed reading and as he was about to take the blame, my mom (who was working there at the time) butted in and mentioned it was mine. I spent the rest of the day staring at the tv screen wondering how it would be if it had been California.
What were you doing?
What were you doing?
I was working for a VOIP telecom startup, so I was getting ready for work when I saw the news on T.V. It was horrifying when I saw that second plane hit. I spent all day long trying to help people reach their families over the phone in NYC from all over the world. One strange thing I remember though, a month before the incident there was a lot of chatter coming from the UAE, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc. There were so many accounts being opened from the Middle East I started to pick up a tiny bit of the languages.
After the incident those accounts just kind of dropped off. I think we (the VOIP startup) ended up passing off a lot of our logs to certain security agencies to help trace the chatter. Strange, unreal and sad times indeed. 

I remember the weather was outstanding. It was an absolutely beautiful day out. I had just finished haveing some amazing morning sex. I had off and so did my ex so we were lounging in bed. While we were fucking the phone rang. So we listened to the message afterwards and it was his mother calling to tell us to turn the TV on. So we did. It was before the towers came down and we watched it all happen.