11 more days til my birthday and I'll be the big 22. I'm pretty happy I survived the year, considering I enjoy my drinking. I drank in downtown San Jose where I use to live, in my apartment with strangers, at resturants legally, mexicali with my best friends, and back home in canals and random houses. I bought booze for minors, complained to a bartender about my life, and spent many nights holding a bottle in my hand after breakups. Now what other birthdays do I have to look foward to?? Certainly not this one, although it is another spectacular year. At age 25, you get to rent a car I think. Age 27 is the official test if white lighters really do kill you. But that's about it. Anyways! Heres to my birthday in 1.5 weeks, off to work.
At age 25 I felt really old and had a mid life crisis... kind of lol.
whats this shenanigans? especially about the white light?