Some awesome things that are happening in the near future: Tommorow Lorelei is having a show!
61740C 29 Palms Hwy, Joshua Tree, California, 92252 (Behind Teacakes Bakery and True World Gallery
If you're in the area you should deffinetly go! She has a beautiful voice and plays really good music. Plus, I'd like to meet some new people.
Also Coachella 2010! My mother goes every year for her birthday (april 19th...mine is on the 14th) and I've never gone with her. She normally takes one of my friends or someone she knows but I was living in San Jose or had school. But now that I live so close to the area, she's taking me! AND since this year they are only selling 3 day tickets we are going to have a blast. Let me know if you're going!
And for Coachella I set myself a little goal of losing 10 pounds. Although it's unrealistic, I gained that much when I moved here and now I'm getting serious. Before I was saying I was losing weight but not really trying. But, if anybody knows me well, when I'm serious about something-it happens. I'm still not smoking minus a drunken weekend but I'm giving myself a chance since I'm now going cold turkey. AND if anyone hasn't seen me when I was overweight, I know how to lose weight because here's proof:
I seriously love that picture.

61740C 29 Palms Hwy, Joshua Tree, California, 92252 (Behind Teacakes Bakery and True World Gallery
If you're in the area you should deffinetly go! She has a beautiful voice and plays really good music. Plus, I'd like to meet some new people.

Also Coachella 2010! My mother goes every year for her birthday (april 19th...mine is on the 14th) and I've never gone with her. She normally takes one of my friends or someone she knows but I was living in San Jose or had school. But now that I live so close to the area, she's taking me! AND since this year they are only selling 3 day tickets we are going to have a blast. Let me know if you're going!
And for Coachella I set myself a little goal of losing 10 pounds. Although it's unrealistic, I gained that much when I moved here and now I'm getting serious. Before I was saying I was losing weight but not really trying. But, if anybody knows me well, when I'm serious about something-it happens. I'm still not smoking minus a drunken weekend but I'm giving myself a chance since I'm now going cold turkey. AND if anyone hasn't seen me when I was overweight, I know how to lose weight because here's proof:

I seriously love that picture.
your birthday is only two days before mine you sexy aries.
sure, i love art...any kind