Anyone ever try electronic cigarettes? I recently bought Blu cigarettes and have been "smoking" those. It's basically water vapor, which gives you the smoke effect and nicotine. No real tabacco smoke and overall helps. I've been smoking for 9 years and always had to smoke something, the nicotine wasn't much the problem. So, quitting has been crazy hard. This isn't quitting exactly, since you are still getting the nicotine, and I'm not going cold turkey (I've smoked 1 cigarette per day these past few days). For me, that's real good considering a few years back I was smoking about 2-3 packs a day. Yikes. It's a nasty habit and I suppose its time for me to start thinking about cutting down.
A few weeks ago I went to the doctor and he examined my lungs. Turns out they are 84 years old (ha) and I know theres much scarring inside there as well from all my bad luck. Anyway! If you're trying to quit smoking, it's only $60 and hey..its you're health.
[For picture blog see previous entry from my roadtrip]
Also be on the lookout for a new set from me shot by Lorelei!
Good luck on weening out smoking