Thank you for all your concerns on my ear, here are some updated pictures.
I have about 1 week to stretch it back to its normal size for the photoshoot with Lorelei ha! Think I can do it? This is a rule for anyone who wants to stretch their ears. If you get a blowout, downsize immediately. I didn't know I had a blow out and it was too late when I figured it out. Oddly I've been able to stretch with it, but when I downsize like this, you could really tell the odd spaces in skin. Surgeries to expensive so that's out of the question. Anyway, im still stoked and a different photoshoot
Good luck with your shoot! I'm not shooting for a good 6 weeks or so
I had them a bit over an inch and glad I never had that problem, I recently let them shrink, tiny ears again
good luck! and also with the shoooot