Went to the beach party in San Diego and got to meet sweet Sinsemilla and got to see Taye again as well as some members. Unfortunately my friends were underage and i didn't want to just leave them hanging all night so we left before that started, but it was nice being out in such beautiful weather. I'll probably be going to San Diego more often, and was wondering..does anyone know how to search for a staff photographer in that area? When I moved to San Jose it was easy because the "Do you need a photographer" linked me in that area, but now i live nowhere near anything lol. Anyway, if anyone knows, please let me know how that works
Hope everyone is having a great day and be sure to check out my member review sets. I'll probably be deleting one soon.

wow wow, what is this deleting buisness
of course it still exists! its terrible now..but it still exists haha