i'm not having that much fun. sometimes i don't know how exactly i got where i am. but i'm here.
i have more friends than i do free time, but when i want to call somebody to talk (like girls do [stereotypically]) perhaps about something personal, there isn't a single motherfucker that i can really call. ain't that some shit.
i graduate from undergraduate collegiate...
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i'm on my way to plan a.
i think skool isn't really necessary unless you need a piece of paper to prove something to someone else. or, unless you need to use your skool's equipment to learn on (which is why i thought i had to go to skool for recording engineering, but i have my own recording console now... hopefully, i'll get a job or apprentice/internship when i move to cali.) i guess maybe there are some professions that skool is helpful with, on the other hand, i'm confident that i can teach myself more thoroughly than a teacher instructing a classroom can. and furthermore, i'd be under less pressure to get an assignment done by a certain date, and more compelled to actually learn ( i know very well that i learn near-nothing during my caffeine-wired night-before cramming sessions that are always in order. )
what are you studying?
what are your favorite nietzsche and voltaire writings?
i've never read american psycho, but i loved the concept of the movie. i've heard that it's better. same with clockwerk orange, but i couldn't bring myself past page 15 of that book. i'm about to start reading a kafka book... i've never read any kafka before. ok. enough. byebye.
it was monday and it was similar to a great deal of mondays i've had before. and like those mondays it has ended, and tuesday will begin, much like many other tuesdays that have passed, and probably like those which will come in the future. and so on.
by the way, what's plan a?
Whad up. hey if your into botch, you might wanna check out some of the old members side-projects, minus the bear, and these arms are snakes. both are different but still good. just a thought.
QUICK QUICK what does lactose look like? DRAW ME A DIAGRAM.
how the fuck do you turn cyclopentene into cyclopentadiene??
can you draw all 20 amino acids?
well can you?
christ. anyhow, exam tomorrow morning, and all that.
just to show that school doesn't totally consume my life, i have an interesting story i'll tell later about how i got dry humped by a crazed...
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*cocks the trigger on his brand new gun
so it's halfway through the third week of the last semester of undergraduate studies of my only life.

i'm taking 2 very hard classes, 2 hassle classes, and trying to write a thesis (which i haven't started) that is to say i just really started crackin the books this week, and i'm still having a little trouble readjusting to not drinking everynight.

don't cry for...
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Did you see the "7 degrees of exit" thread I did a while back?
i start school on monday.
my heart has literally sunk out my chest cavity and i have shat it out.
Hey, they gotta pull you outta the clouds sometime.

pics are in the profile now
yo w'happen? eretin irie?
i'm back from south america.
it was all it's cracked up to be. now i am in search of a location to drink myself to death with all my pals since it looks like it won't be happenin at my place.
more on all of this later.
Man your photo rocks. I wish we could all look so content after getting messed up.
I been thinking about getting a tat for some time now. I got a couple of ideas swirling through my head already. Next journal update will have the details.

Cool talking to you in real time for once. Hopefully it will happen more often.
sometimes it feels good to be bored.
get to lookin around this website and wow, what a strange cross section of society this website has established as a demographic. bizarre social ineptitude is go.

ps. ima lowly drunk. pot and the kettle.
I take it you've been as hella busy as I am lately. Catch me on AIM sometime. The name is the same.
last final today. i'll be at the bottom of a bottle for many days to come. fuck any and all of my real friends who may have stumbled on to this website. mad love to all my internet thugs. peace.

blue skies.
that's some pretty blood you got there...
true dat man... werd.
as little time as i've had and as much as i'd like to leave the nietzsche quoteage up here forever, today beckons me to type about it.
slacker bitches fuck up the molecbio presentation, i hate group projects.
i got an A on my demoiselles/primitivism paper. that was nice.
i get out of school at 5pm, and i wanted to go over to my friends...
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