back from vacation.
all that optimism vaporized like so much rubbing alcohol on hot pavement.
Where did you go run off to clear your head? Fuzzy again?
fucking missed my court date today. i honestly must be the most functional retard the world has yet seen.
so i get a citation for not wearing my helmet in a skatepark, then i ignore it, get a warrant issued for my arrest, go to the police station and get a new court date, promise myself, cross my fucking heart not to be such a...
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52 dollars and a little over three hours of my morning was the total of the fine and processing.
three hours in criminal court however, is a lot shittier than one might think. not at all like night court on tv. not at all.
" . . . where there was nature and earth, life and water, I saw a desert landscape that was unending, resembling some sort of crater, so devoid of reason and light and spirit that the mind could not grasp it on any sort of conscious level and if you came close the mind would reel backward, unable to take it in. It was a...
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*i am a minion of the king of bored's kingdom*
damned double post

[Edited on Aug 08, 2004 6:55PM]
diagnosis: psychosis.
symptoms: regrets of the past, anxiety of the future.
prescription: daily ethanol therapy.
prognosis: untimely death due to liver failure.
Anything that I remember that was so great as I kid, usually isn't so great anymore. I haven't even tried to drink out of a hose in a long time. Twinkies and popsicles ruled when you had them as a kid and they kinda suck in comparison now. But I have my memories... blackeyed

Have anything like that?
How's the liver coming?
people who have had, are going to have, like, would like to have children are my sworn enemies.
what's up with the chewing on your lower lip? Hmmm. I do that too. have you figured out why? I for the life of me can't. It's worse when I smoke though.

[Edited on Jul 28, 2004 6:23PM]
i saw a dead people exhibit the other day.
there should be more of them.
been drinking and not doing much else. sleeping and dreaming.
it's too hot to sleep in LA. new house has no A/C, which is the true poverty line. no. that's a joke.

been keepin to drinking, trying to get to class in the a.m. and that's alright.
bowling too.
patiently awaiting the future which will be different, if not better.

life is pretty fucking dull to tell the truth. i saw Mm, and they...
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damn MCAT prep class.
i can't stay awake.
got a DUI.
very much down in spirits.
very busy doing almost nothing.
tired all the time.
trying to quit all bad habits.
need pills. lots of pills.
going to try reading more.
lots of projects on hiatus.
DUIs are expensive.
lots to do. lots to do.
my triumphant return.

boring stories ahead.

first i finally got my degree. well not quite, since i still have library books out, but i can almost taste the useless document.

after that i drank exactly one liter of jameson per day for about a week and a half.

after that i went to sweden, denmark, and the netherlands, and i fell in love, with a...
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Glad to have you back. I hope things start to look up soon.

(I do look great don't I?) smile
"better you than me"

"well, at least they died for a good cause"

"what cause was that?"


"you think we waste [arabs] for freedom? this is a slaughter. if i'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word... my word is "poontang"
check out the pics of me and Shadow
where you at man?