i lost my front tooth as a result of an old skateboarding injury combined with a recent altercation of fisticuffs.

in all sincerity i need all of your help.

WHERE does one go to get gold fronts made?

if someone knows, or could find out, especially in/around LA, i would love them forever. i mean it.

eventually i'm going to get an dental implant, but...
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an important thing to remember is that while irrational people may augment your neurochemistry, so too can you, easily and effectively, by swallowing pills.
Guess who lives in LA now?
shit got worse. now the love of my life has left and taken a "good" friend with her. i am at my wit's end.
a little bit further down the spiral.
You gotta hit rock bottom before the journey can begin. Trust me I know.
i am now gainfully employed as a laboratory technician.
heart remains broken.
"Gainfully employed" (!) Your lab must pay better than mine. I'd love to let loose a panzer division on that evil place... or maybe a band of crazed Huns.
hey you changed your profile pic
my life is a bigger turd now.
but i'm single and unemployed. booyah.
i am

the motherfucking

don juan

of knowledge.

see previous entry(11/19/04).
knowing what you want vs. knowing what you don't want.
amen......nice bloody nose how did you get it?
back from vacation.
all that optimism vaporized like so much rubbing alcohol on hot pavement.
Where did you go run off to clear your head? Fuzzy again?
fucking missed my court date today. i honestly must be the most functional retard the world has yet seen.
so i get a citation for not wearing my helmet in a skatepark, then i ignore it, get a warrant issued for my arrest, go to the police station and get a new court date, promise myself, cross my fucking heart not to be such a...
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52 dollars and a little over three hours of my morning was the total of the fine and processing.
three hours in criminal court however, is a lot shittier than one might think. not at all like night court on tv. not at all.