jeezuhs what have ive been doing?!? i need more blogs stat!
so heres a funny thing...we were at work the other day and we were cutting the right-of-way on Hwy. 120. my partner marcus was on the mower ridin along cuttin the shoulders. we had stopped to check on him a few minutes before and i had a cigarette then we went about a mile up the road. when we hop out the truck i happen to look back down the road and see a cloud of smoke....for a minute i think shit....where did i put that cigarette out at? then i see flames, from over a mile away and i freak! we all hop in the truck and haul ass. when we get there a cop has already closed down the highway, marcus' mower blew up...with him on it...he wasnt hurt and i guess that wasnt the funny part. the funny part was about two weeks later he and i were runnin the mowers again and i had just come back from bama with a whole assload of fireworks. that morning me an lee taped a few smoke bombs to the muffler of his mower....sure enough bout and hour later his mower starts smoking and he does a ricky bobby....runnin out in the road like he was on fire...."save me baby jesus!",.....
god we're assholes.....
anyways....shit halloween at the masquerade was incredible we rocked the hell out of the place, my face didnt stop hurtin from the mosh pit for three days, and no one can play sublime like badfish. cant wait to chill with the suns again on new years.
other than that im hatin the cold....wish i was back in tex on a 110 degree day with zero humidity....thats my kinda weather.
actually i got in touch with my uncle the other day for the first time in 7 years, and i might be goin to visit him in el paso next summer. that would definitely kick ass. im thinkin i might just make another road trip out of it and visit norcal again while im halfway there.
anyways, a song thats been stuck in my head lately...
so heres a funny thing...we were at work the other day and we were cutting the right-of-way on Hwy. 120. my partner marcus was on the mower ridin along cuttin the shoulders. we had stopped to check on him a few minutes before and i had a cigarette then we went about a mile up the road. when we hop out the truck i happen to look back down the road and see a cloud of smoke....for a minute i think shit....where did i put that cigarette out at? then i see flames, from over a mile away and i freak! we all hop in the truck and haul ass. when we get there a cop has already closed down the highway, marcus' mower blew up...with him on it...he wasnt hurt and i guess that wasnt the funny part. the funny part was about two weeks later he and i were runnin the mowers again and i had just come back from bama with a whole assload of fireworks. that morning me an lee taped a few smoke bombs to the muffler of his mower....sure enough bout and hour later his mower starts smoking and he does a ricky bobby....runnin out in the road like he was on fire...."save me baby jesus!",.....
god we're assholes.....
anyways....shit halloween at the masquerade was incredible we rocked the hell out of the place, my face didnt stop hurtin from the mosh pit for three days, and no one can play sublime like badfish. cant wait to chill with the suns again on new years.
other than that im hatin the cold....wish i was back in tex on a 110 degree day with zero humidity....thats my kinda weather.
actually i got in touch with my uncle the other day for the first time in 7 years, and i might be goin to visit him in el paso next summer. that would definitely kick ass. im thinkin i might just make another road trip out of it and visit norcal again while im halfway there.
anyways, a song thats been stuck in my head lately...
i didn't speak a word the entire day.

keeping my mouth shut was probably the most productive thing that i did.