okay picture time.... bastard suns show three weeks ago... (check out the farmers tan)
medium pimpin!
your point is?
me an the guys
me an wes (lead guitar)
why does everyone say i look like clay?(lead singer)
i like kyles boobies
me an kyle havin hot sweaty buttsecks
my "oh" face
oh my god is that kirstin dunst??
who farted? was it you?
i fail to grasp the subtleties....
by the way...did i mention it was a full moon?
oh yeah, great times great times...
medium pimpin!

your point is?

me an the guys

me an wes (lead guitar)

why does everyone say i look like clay?(lead singer)

i like kyles boobies

me an kyle havin hot sweaty buttsecks

my "oh" face

oh my god is that kirstin dunst??

who farted? was it you?

i fail to grasp the subtleties....

by the way...did i mention it was a full moon?

oh yeah, great times great times...
its funny cause im always the dd when we go out...damn me and my no liquor policy.
well not really..it is best..