woo hoo! happy birthday to me ! or at least here soon. plus i finally got my truck fixed. i been havin fun. things have been working out for me, and i get to see someone very special that i care very much about this week. the happiness just knows no bounds for me. so, im happy, but im still wary, like anyone. and now i leave you with something that i feel very deeply, some Nietzsche for you......
here i sit and wait, old broken tablets around me and also new half written tablets. when will my hour come?
- the hour of my descent, of my going under: for i want to go among men once more.
for that i am waiting now: for first the signs must come to me that my hour has arrived-namely the laughing lion with the flock of doves.
meanwhile i talk to myself as one who has time.
no one tells me anything new:
so i tell myself to myself
here i sit and wait, old broken tablets around me and also new half written tablets. when will my hour come?
- the hour of my descent, of my going under: for i want to go among men once more.
for that i am waiting now: for first the signs must come to me that my hour has arrived-namely the laughing lion with the flock of doves.
meanwhile i talk to myself as one who has time.
no one tells me anything new:
so i tell myself to myself
Happy B day Dance

I KNOW!! I'm supposed to come home in Sept- I'm waiting to hear back from work (with vacation time and all that) and forget about me, look at YOU!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!