you know, ive said it before and ill say it again. i dont watch t.v. yes i do click through the channels every once in a while when im in between books, and working and hiking, or whatever else meaningful i have to do. who hasnt? and yes i do have a few shows that ive been really interested in before, invader zim, law and order, the simpsons. but i cant stand the people who are totally obsessed with being on top of the newest hit shows. those people who come into work every morning and the only thing they can think of to say is "oh did you see who he kissed?" "oh did you see who lost?" "oh did you see who got killed?"...........
i think its a disease, and it rids people of the ability to engage in meaningful, intelligent discussions and conversations. so i took a leap, and i decided to apply to start a new group, "Destroy your TV" . A public group created not to spout about which shows you hate, or how you hate commercials, but to say, "hey, im a real human being. i dont have to live my life through an expensive technological invention. theres a world out there with real people. people i can have real interactions with, just like those actors on t.v." so we shall see what comes of it. but im really hoping it goes through.
and yes i realize this does seem a little hypocritical considering how many people also are obsessed with sites such as SG and myspace and attempt to live their lives through the computer. because yes i spend quite a bit of time on the computer myself, looking for conversation and company. but i feel that this is at least a little more acceptable than being addicted to t.v. because here i am not just watching people lead a life, i am interacting with other people. and yes, i do have favorite t.v. shows myself as i said. i have seen every episode of invader zim, just about every episode of the simpsons and law and order, and i do have quite a few shows that, if im clicking through the channels and see that its on, im like "oh man i gotta watch this" and i proceed to kill some brain cells and diconnect myself from humanity for a while. but i will always maintain, I do not WATCH T.V........ i merely gaze at it every now and then.....
*edit* jeezus i really need to work on my writing. i used to be so good and now i look back and realize how many times i used the same old intro to another disconnected sentence.. "and yes" "and yes" "also" "also".
That, and it is also a grammatical nightmare. I dont think ive ever used the word "because" to start so many sentences.....
Because im usually better than that.
i think its a disease, and it rids people of the ability to engage in meaningful, intelligent discussions and conversations. so i took a leap, and i decided to apply to start a new group, "Destroy your TV" . A public group created not to spout about which shows you hate, or how you hate commercials, but to say, "hey, im a real human being. i dont have to live my life through an expensive technological invention. theres a world out there with real people. people i can have real interactions with, just like those actors on t.v." so we shall see what comes of it. but im really hoping it goes through.
and yes i realize this does seem a little hypocritical considering how many people also are obsessed with sites such as SG and myspace and attempt to live their lives through the computer. because yes i spend quite a bit of time on the computer myself, looking for conversation and company. but i feel that this is at least a little more acceptable than being addicted to t.v. because here i am not just watching people lead a life, i am interacting with other people. and yes, i do have favorite t.v. shows myself as i said. i have seen every episode of invader zim, just about every episode of the simpsons and law and order, and i do have quite a few shows that, if im clicking through the channels and see that its on, im like "oh man i gotta watch this" and i proceed to kill some brain cells and diconnect myself from humanity for a while. but i will always maintain, I do not WATCH T.V........ i merely gaze at it every now and then.....

*edit* jeezus i really need to work on my writing. i used to be so good and now i look back and realize how many times i used the same old intro to another disconnected sentence.. "and yes" "and yes" "also" "also".
That, and it is also a grammatical nightmare. I dont think ive ever used the word "because" to start so many sentences.....
Because im usually better than that.

See... and still.... I should be down there... packing now.... and instead.... I am online on SG.... total addict.... there needs to be a support group. Hello.... my name is Allison.... and I am Addicted to SG.... (even sounds like a drug doesn't it?!)