Well, bummed out again. second year ive missed seeing the bastard suns on st. patricks day.
no babysitter and the wife took the car to work.
so to make myself feel better ill watch myself in one of their videos and pretend im there....
p.s. poor clay, its not easy to pretend to sing your song with 30 very drunk people singing along behind you....
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no babysitter and the wife took the car to work.
so to make myself feel better ill watch myself in one of their videos and pretend im there....
p.s. poor clay, its not easy to pretend to sing your song with 30 very drunk people singing along behind you....
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Happy birthday, Blue.

Stopped by to say Happy Birthday! Thanks for the vid, cool stuff.
I just found out today that our health insurance is approved! saved so much money over work, and actually got a plan we liked. and in a couple months the wife can pick up dental and vision from work.
other than that, just trying to keep sane at work.
I just found out today that our health insurance is approved! saved so much money over work, and actually got a plan we liked. and in a couple months the wife can pick up dental and vision from work.
other than that, just trying to keep sane at work.
yay! its all over! all the holidays are over! no more stress for a couple of month! ill try to say hi a little more often now. Its no secret im bad about keeping up with posts, but im gonna try to work on that. im thinking if i just start with a minimum of one post a month, i might be able to get...
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i did two things this weekend that reminded me of you. i finally got fed up with standing on my tippy-toes to reach the pull chain on my living room ceiling fixture, so i put a chain extender on it and i threw away the Dots which were the only thing still in the candy bowl from this halloween's Tootsie variety pack. how's Alex?
i guess the question of the day is whether or not the wife and i will make it to our friends birthday kegger.
we have a babysitter
and im off for the weekend
but can we make it happen???
we have a babysitter

but can we make it happen???
rough week, but its almost over. maybe ill have some free time tomorrow.
so i cleaned my office/backstock area at my store last night. seriously cleaned and dusted every single item in the room. last night my asst. called 20 minutes after closing to tell me he heard a huge crash as he was walking out... one of the shelves collapsed and destroyed a...
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rough week, but its almost over. maybe ill have some free time tomorrow.
so i cleaned my office/backstock area at my store last night. seriously cleaned and dusted every single item in the room. last night my asst. called 20 minutes after closing to tell me he heard a huge crash as he was walking out... one of the shelves collapsed and destroyed a...
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thats sucks.
i had a kinda bad day, which is okay... it happens.
but then i got all excited and thought my day was getting better because i might get to see alot of my friends...
and that turned out to just be vapor...
so ive taken steps to make sure i keep in better touch with my friends in the future!
hopefully things...
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thats sucks.
i had a kinda bad day, which is okay... it happens.
but then i got all excited and thought my day was getting better because i might get to see alot of my friends...
and that turned out to just be vapor...
so ive taken steps to make sure i keep in better touch with my friends in the future!
hopefully things...
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^^^ This might be a great way to get everyone together....The Clermont! What better way to bond is to see old strippers! hehe! I really love that place!
Hope things are going better for you!
Hope things are going better for you!

i don't mean a specific trip. it just seemed like for a while i was going there a lot for various random reasons. i haven't been in more than a year though.

he is adorable.

He is pretty cute, though I would've said 'hazel' on the eye colour. I guess the debate rages on. Just so long as they get it right on the police report when he drives your car into a ditch when he's 17. 

so yeah, ive never been on facebook. not that i have anything against it really, i just dont have time for that anymore. and i guess i never made time for it at all really, i made a myspace page once out of boredom, and you can definitely tell by looking at it. i havent touched that page in awhile. only place i ever had...
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What's up my friend!? I love the new PBR Art serious that is all over the city! I agree the mural behind Maunel's is that best one! Hope all is well and we'll have to try and get together to catch up!

Hi to you too. I just got on the face book myself. I hear you have been bussy parenting.