So i woke up this morning. Talking in the background, somewhere. I am so disorientated I can't figure out which direction the chatter is coming from. Rolling over beer cans and empty cigarette packs trying to keep my eyelids shut, I'm reaching around for my cigarettes rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. My crotch feels damp and my arms feel a slight discomfort. a strain. a burn. Muscle exhaustion and creaky joints. I notice these on the way up from the blankets and pillows that we built and destroyed throughout the night.
The kitchen. I peer in on my way outside and see my friends sitting at the table eating eggs someone prepared. They all stop and look up at me, smile and nod. I nod and my cigarette hangs loosely from my mouth as i look to everyone through slightly cracked eyelids and continue outside. I sit down and flick my lighter and bring it up to the tip. I slowly take a drag, hold it in, and exhale. All while thinking, "people say this is healthy."
The kitchen. I peer in on my way outside and see my friends sitting at the table eating eggs someone prepared. They all stop and look up at me, smile and nod. I nod and my cigarette hangs loosely from my mouth as i look to everyone through slightly cracked eyelids and continue outside. I sit down and flick my lighter and bring it up to the tip. I slowly take a drag, hold it in, and exhale. All while thinking, "people say this is healthy."
X-Man? You worked in ToonTown? Cause if you did, you worked with me!

Awesome, how you doing?