"Give me another shot." Um, sir I don't think you should have any more to drink, would you like a water? "What, you think I'm drunk? I'm not drunk, I'll tell you when I'm drunk!" (Fumbles for money and drops his keys on the ground, then almost falls over) Sir, would you like me to call you a cab? "A cab.... for what? Get me another shot." Um, I don't feel comfortable serving you anymore alcohol right now, sorry sir. " Listen you good-for-nothing poor excuse of a bartender, I'm not fucking drunk, you fucking ____, Fuck you, I know the owners of this bar, and I'll have you fired you little fucking _____!!!! (Bouncers proceed to drag him out the door while he is still cursing me repeatedly and slobbering on himself.) Telling drunk people they are cut off is the highlight of my job. I love it.

I couldn't handle being a bartender...I drink too much as it is. But oddly enough, I've never been cut off...maybe because I'm a polite drunk...

Oh hey, I'm glad you left that note. I almost forgot. Are you in San Clemente? I added you to my favorites because I saw a comment you left someone about it.