Wow, they've been adding a new girl each day it seems...Soon there will be thousands and thousands of Suicide Girls to rule the world. Anywhoo, I've decided to move I think. I need something new. I'm stuck in a routine that I have been getting bored of, not to mention, I've gotten lazy and I've lost my creative touch, and when that happens, it's not pretty. Creativity is what life is all about. I'm listening to The Smiths, "meat is murder" and it's making me feel really sad and guilty for eating a cheeseburger last week. I really only eat meat like twice a month anyway, but when I crave it....Note to self : I HAVE to stop eating meat. See, that's the kind of thing I am talking about when I say getting lazy. Not sticking to my guns and going that extra mile to Taco Bell instead of IN-N-OUT. I really would like to try to have more discipline. I love animals and hate to think that I am eating them.
On a happier note, I got the new Bad Religion album, and depspite my disliking for their new song that is all over the radio, MOST of the songs on the album kick ass. And, as always, Greg Graffin's insightful lyrics blow most other lyricists out of the water. I wish I was as smart as him. And as for you biatches that say Bad Religion are sell outs and every song sounds the same, kiss my.....

[Edited on Jul 19, 2004 9:27AM]