I find myself wanting more and more to rewind the clock of time and be in junior high all over again. Not that I liked junior high or high school very much, but I miss the days of being a kid and fucking off, getting into trouble, being so excited about boys. Sitting outside the liquor store waiting for someone to be cool enough to buy us beer. Drinking the beer in a park with all my friends, throwing rocks, climbing trees, being stupid. Listening to Bad Religion, The Circle Jerks, and Black Flag for the first time ever. The newness of it all was so refreshing, and it will never ever be that way again...It makes me sad. I want to have slumber parties again with all my friends, get drunk, watch movies, paint our nails. I want to be irresponsible again, have no job, only basic homework to do. I want everyone to be able to always hang out again...But everyone is so busy. This way of life keeps us so busy, that no one has time anymore to fuck off with all of their friends. Everyone has to work, go to school, watch their kids, cook dinner for their family, clean their house, blah blah blah....I hate growing up sometimes.

sometimes i have the opposite problem as in, when the fuck will i ever act my age? i think my mental and emotional maturity has been askew for decades.
speaking of which, do you know a bass player on the loose remotely in the neighborhood? rehearsals are in north hollywood.