I just got a letter in the mail that basically stated that in the past weeks, we have received numurous threats from "unknown" sources" that the San Onofre nuclear power plant is going to get bombed, blown up, or whatever( which I live about 7 minutes away from)...So the letter basically was a map of all of the routes to take to evacuate if something were to happen, and they also referred to these iodine pills they gave us to keep "just in case" last year, and said, " make sure you keep those iodine pills handy, just in case"..Now how is that letter supossed to make me feel comfortable enough to go to sleep at night? I just love falling asleep and hearing army jets circle my house and wonder why the fuck they are flying around so much...Trying to keep us from getting bombed. It's so great living in a state of war...

wow!!! crazy!! you need to get out of town.....tonight!!! check the SGOC board!!! hope you can make it!!
scarey! crazy! Hey, is your band gonna play soon? We oughta get together one day. We live in the same county