...and now for something completely different
4:00 am
4:05 am
4:10 am
...OK, already im UP! "faaaaaahking hell" my eyes say. (yes they can talk, dont yours?) I swear this whole "working @ the gym two mornings a week for a free membership" thing sounds good in theory, but upon waking at the BUTTCRACK (to borrow from my new friend) of dawn on these mornings, my body says: "WHOOOOOAAAAA, like seriously, what were you thinking???????!"
Ok, so im in the best shape of my life (
).... and so it's just 4 hour shifts.... but honestly... 4:15 am to leave by quarter till to arrive at 5:15.... yes, what WAS i thinking?!
fresh out of the shower. clean sheets call to me... sleep. oh yes i believe so. WHY? what else is there to do?
buuuuuut, before i go go.... did you peep these??
benni & tegan (30 & 32 are delish)
::le growl::
4:00 am
4:05 am
4:10 am
...OK, already im UP! "faaaaaahking hell" my eyes say. (yes they can talk, dont yours?) I swear this whole "working @ the gym two mornings a week for a free membership" thing sounds good in theory, but upon waking at the BUTTCRACK (to borrow from my new friend) of dawn on these mornings, my body says: "WHOOOOOAAAAA, like seriously, what were you thinking???????!"
Ok, so im in the best shape of my life (

fresh out of the shower. clean sheets call to me... sleep. oh yes i believe so. WHY? what else is there to do?
buuuuuut, before i go go.... did you peep these??
benni & tegan (30 & 32 are delish)

::le growl::
like that?
i have to say i was just amusing myself for quite some time flipping through your webcam pics folder.
and yes, you are here for my amusement
did you get the mice that way or did you train them yourself?
the boogie pickin pics made me very moist