Wanna know what has been completely engulfing my mind's waking moments (when im not fantasizing about recliners in sex toys shops and butt plugs) ? Well, see for yourself...

...YES, Journey!! My entire day has been consumed with Journey and it's all Shera's fault. Yes, SHAME on you Shera!! (although i dont even think she knows all this)
Sooo let me fill you in on the big picture; being that there is nothing... NOTHING greater in this world than the pure enjoyment that IS the Journey Experience. Let me take you back to, well pretty much as early as i can remember (since Infinity came out in '78, it was probably shortly there after, so for arguments sake lets say i was at least 2 years old.) ...anyways, from my earliest of days i can remember Journey being apart of my life like it was some sort of extended soundtrack to my childhood. My pops loved/loves music and especially loves listening to his favorite tunes niiiiice an LOUD, which was the common practice on our home stereo system. So, within that environment I grew up with an appreciation for the musical arts and since I had never learned to play a musical instrument, all i had was the words, tunes and beautiful expression of Cat Stevens, Jim Croce, Harry Chapin, James Taylor, The Beatles, ohhh the list goes on and on. (I'll leave a discussion of Barbera Streisand and The Carpenter's for ANOTHER day, ok?!!!) I moved, loved, lived and breathed through the music of Others.
Now, at some point in my teenage years I expanded my tastes to include Rap, R&B and Hip-Hop. Now when i say that i mean Public Enemy, RUN DMC, New Edition (including all their solo stuff and the extended families like Another Bad Creation & Boyz II Men) Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, LL Cool J, Delasoul, Al B. Sure, Guy, Levert, Troop.... well dont get me started on all that, and im talkin their EARLY stuff cause some Mariah Carey and Janet went down hill, but their early stuff kicks ASS (or more accurately: DID).
Graduating high school this taste for music began to mature (like me, *blush*) I started listening to alotta older music, big bands, Glen Miller, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, and stuff like Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Billy Holiday, maybe some newer older sounding like Harry Connick Jr., Sting... some new age like Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra, alittle Gipsy Kings... heard Pearl Jam like around '96 and a half and just LOVED their stuff... blah, blah, blah, it's been expanding since.
The purpose of enduring such mental torture to get to my point is that within all that, all the years, all the different genres (which by the way is the STUPIDEST word in the english dictionary, i dont even think its English... probably just some stupid French word or something)...that within all the varying levels of bands i enjoy love and appreciate, at the very core... past all the guts and bile, through the stomach lining of my belly and within the tiny little center wrapped around a little bucket of love and dipped in chocolate with fun rainbow sprinkles and nuts (gottta love tha nuts) is Journey. Maybe its cause i was like a fetus or something, maybe it was cause i heard it 24/7 (a child's exageration).. i dont know WHAT the cause and really i dont care. Parts of me JUMP when i hear stuff like Wheel In The Sky, Any Way You Want It, Mother Father, Majestic, Lights or Don't Stop Believin ...annnd parts of me TINGLE (in a Manly way of course!) when i hear Patiently, Goodmornin Girl, Faithfully, Open Arms... oh theres too many to list. Winds Of March is probably one of me favs, its absolutely delicious!!
Ok, all this came from reading shera's profile which mentioned Steve Perry. Am i weird? YES!! And i feel kinda Weezy after all that.
Most of my snot is gone, but i have enough left for a few extra extracurricular activities
If ONLY i could find a willing participant.
Im off to buy stock in Pfizer, makers of:
I am King of the Trampoline, The Destroyer of Little Debbie Brownies, Wearer of Tightie Wighties and Gargler of Peroxide!! Bow before me!!

...YES, Journey!! My entire day has been consumed with Journey and it's all Shera's fault. Yes, SHAME on you Shera!! (although i dont even think she knows all this)

Sooo let me fill you in on the big picture; being that there is nothing... NOTHING greater in this world than the pure enjoyment that IS the Journey Experience. Let me take you back to, well pretty much as early as i can remember (since Infinity came out in '78, it was probably shortly there after, so for arguments sake lets say i was at least 2 years old.) ...anyways, from my earliest of days i can remember Journey being apart of my life like it was some sort of extended soundtrack to my childhood. My pops loved/loves music and especially loves listening to his favorite tunes niiiiice an LOUD, which was the common practice on our home stereo system. So, within that environment I grew up with an appreciation for the musical arts and since I had never learned to play a musical instrument, all i had was the words, tunes and beautiful expression of Cat Stevens, Jim Croce, Harry Chapin, James Taylor, The Beatles, ohhh the list goes on and on. (I'll leave a discussion of Barbera Streisand and The Carpenter's for ANOTHER day, ok?!!!) I moved, loved, lived and breathed through the music of Others.
Now, at some point in my teenage years I expanded my tastes to include Rap, R&B and Hip-Hop. Now when i say that i mean Public Enemy, RUN DMC, New Edition (including all their solo stuff and the extended families like Another Bad Creation & Boyz II Men) Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, LL Cool J, Delasoul, Al B. Sure, Guy, Levert, Troop.... well dont get me started on all that, and im talkin their EARLY stuff cause some Mariah Carey and Janet went down hill, but their early stuff kicks ASS (or more accurately: DID).
Graduating high school this taste for music began to mature (like me, *blush*) I started listening to alotta older music, big bands, Glen Miller, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, and stuff like Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Billy Holiday, maybe some newer older sounding like Harry Connick Jr., Sting... some new age like Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra, alittle Gipsy Kings... heard Pearl Jam like around '96 and a half and just LOVED their stuff... blah, blah, blah, it's been expanding since.
The purpose of enduring such mental torture to get to my point is that within all that, all the years, all the different genres (which by the way is the STUPIDEST word in the english dictionary, i dont even think its English... probably just some stupid French word or something)...that within all the varying levels of bands i enjoy love and appreciate, at the very core... past all the guts and bile, through the stomach lining of my belly and within the tiny little center wrapped around a little bucket of love and dipped in chocolate with fun rainbow sprinkles and nuts (gottta love tha nuts) is Journey. Maybe its cause i was like a fetus or something, maybe it was cause i heard it 24/7 (a child's exageration).. i dont know WHAT the cause and really i dont care. Parts of me JUMP when i hear stuff like Wheel In The Sky, Any Way You Want It, Mother Father, Majestic, Lights or Don't Stop Believin ...annnd parts of me TINGLE (in a Manly way of course!) when i hear Patiently, Goodmornin Girl, Faithfully, Open Arms... oh theres too many to list. Winds Of March is probably one of me favs, its absolutely delicious!!
Ok, all this came from reading shera's profile which mentioned Steve Perry. Am i weird? YES!! And i feel kinda Weezy after all that.

Most of my snot is gone, but i have enough left for a few extra extracurricular activities

Im off to buy stock in Pfizer, makers of:

I am King of the Trampoline, The Destroyer of Little Debbie Brownies, Wearer of Tightie Wighties and Gargler of Peroxide!! Bow before me!!

Hehehe I'm so cool.