Captain's Log, stardate 705.ot4
Ive traveled time and space and other things that sound as equally fun but withont proper wordage to explain them fully, i shall call them by their scientific name: "STUFF".
Ive returned to my place of dwelling to find Dee (my unHumidifier) is full, and the tiles in the basement a bit damp. There is no real purpose for telling you this except that it fills space in my journal and makes it seem that i have lots to say. As a close to this topic i will tell you that upon (apon?) discovering this, i emptied Dee's resivoir tip, er... bucket thingy.
After a weekend in someone else's bed (and no not in a fun/ kinky/ makeloveallnightlong/ sheets stuck to your sweaty body kinda way... i got the spare room.) coming home to my bed felt absolutely wonderful.
Body still aches from helping Steve move on Thursday (well plus i played basketball for 2 hours on friday AND saturday.) Went to this private pool in York on sat. and played some beach Vball... weeeeee! They had a swooptie swirlie slide thingy and 4 diving boards; of which i did a 1.5 forward flip into a face plant. I think my eyeballs are resting somewhere on the bottom of the pool. Got sun. got tan. hopefully i didnt got skin cancer. this is me:
We were fooling around lastnight with some fireworks and JD said "let me shoot a bottle rocket outta yer ear" an im all "OK, but i get a free shot to punch you in the head!" and hes all "um, OK!" and i go "yeah but i get to punch you ANYwhere in the face (im thinking ear or temple} but then the thoughts of my neck and ear melting tripping over JD's limp body laying on the porch was enough to PASS on the deal. it was funny though, cause JD is a boxer and fucking hysterical i might add, and he goes (thinking about it) uh... OK!!!!
sooooo we didnt do it. sorry to let you down.
This is all for now, off to work and buy get underwear.
Ive traveled time and space and other things that sound as equally fun but withont proper wordage to explain them fully, i shall call them by their scientific name: "STUFF".
Ive returned to my place of dwelling to find Dee (my unHumidifier) is full, and the tiles in the basement a bit damp. There is no real purpose for telling you this except that it fills space in my journal and makes it seem that i have lots to say. As a close to this topic i will tell you that upon (apon?) discovering this, i emptied Dee's resivoir tip, er... bucket thingy.
After a weekend in someone else's bed (and no not in a fun/ kinky/ makeloveallnightlong/ sheets stuck to your sweaty body kinda way... i got the spare room.) coming home to my bed felt absolutely wonderful.
Body still aches from helping Steve move on Thursday (well plus i played basketball for 2 hours on friday AND saturday.) Went to this private pool in York on sat. and played some beach Vball... weeeeee! They had a swooptie swirlie slide thingy and 4 diving boards; of which i did a 1.5 forward flip into a face plant. I think my eyeballs are resting somewhere on the bottom of the pool. Got sun. got tan. hopefully i didnt got skin cancer. this is me:

We were fooling around lastnight with some fireworks and JD said "let me shoot a bottle rocket outta yer ear" an im all "OK, but i get a free shot to punch you in the head!" and hes all "um, OK!" and i go "yeah but i get to punch you ANYwhere in the face (im thinking ear or temple} but then the thoughts of my neck and ear melting tripping over JD's limp body laying on the porch was enough to PASS on the deal. it was funny though, cause JD is a boxer and fucking hysterical i might add, and he goes (thinking about it) uh... OK!!!!

This is all for now, off to work and buy get underwear.

i lived in the fort sanders area: on highland and later on 17th. i went to grad school at ut for forensic anthropology. you in school there?