well HELLO there.
I arrived home from New York City at about 3 am this morning, and now at 9:23 i am awake and getting ready for work.
i wanna be back in bed. my eyes said "no, nononononooooooo" this morning. poor little guys.
The City was great, lots of interesting things always happen in the city. First, let me say that the women in NYC are FIIIIIIIIINE!! Everywhere you turn there is beautiful people. Saw a police chase involving a mini van doing about 90 around this block in Queens with a police car shortly behind, it was weird. sssccccRRRRRReeeaach (thats my "car coming round the corner" noise) and not 2 minutes earlier, this guy Tom had said that it was one of the best neighborhoods- crimewise.
Yeah, Tom... I believe U!
There was a Blind Violinists playing in the subway car, but im STILL trying to figure out if he was really blind or not (and why i capitalized those two words).
ok, ive put off going to work as long as i possibly can. Have a great day!
I arrived home from New York City at about 3 am this morning, and now at 9:23 i am awake and getting ready for work.

The City was great, lots of interesting things always happen in the city. First, let me say that the women in NYC are FIIIIIIIIINE!! Everywhere you turn there is beautiful people. Saw a police chase involving a mini van doing about 90 around this block in Queens with a police car shortly behind, it was weird. sssccccRRRRRReeeaach (thats my "car coming round the corner" noise) and not 2 minutes earlier, this guy Tom had said that it was one of the best neighborhoods- crimewise.

There was a Blind Violinists playing in the subway car, but im STILL trying to figure out if he was really blind or not (and why i capitalized those two words).
ok, ive put off going to work as long as i possibly can. Have a great day!

I'm going to New York on Sunday. BBQ at T's house. You should come