goodmorning. I know its not but im yawning like its still morning. Went to do some work and had lunch at this new Organic resturant in Clarksville (right next to Roots healthfood store) got a yummy roadted veggie and tofu wrap thingie with some kinda peanut cilantro sauce stuff & roasted potatoes. did i mention YUM?!! Then had a $5 smoothie. (pineapples & peaches and soy yogert and tofu and white grape juice. and Casidy said she thought it tastes "Grimey" but it was just plain ol'GOOD!) ....and then i was like: "FIVE dollards??! You don't put bourbon in it or nothin'?" and Buddy Holly was all like "No", and im like: " Just checking.
Did some more work then it started to rain and i came home.
tons of fun so far. Oh, and I've had the whistling song for Kill Bill in my head all freaking DAY!! grrrrr GREAT films btw!!
Outkast doing Bombs Over Bagdad make sme wanna jump up dance and throw myself around my apartment!!!
... being careful, of course, not to step on the
***early morning pre-sleepybedtime edit***
It was "Game Night" in Hell, and I was invited. I just got home from the land of fresh guacamole and perverted "shocking" toys. . . (aka GoatsGoToHell & WREERNT's apartment)
Jason has a giant life size mini-donkey figurine in his living room. Ok i guess giant & mini cannot live together in the same sentence, but its not small OK, and weighs 342,000 lbs. (I know because i tried to slide it closer to use it to prop my head against while watching Eddie Izzard's Dressed to Kill", which is the funniest god damn stand up ever in the history of time and cheese!! (("In Dress To Kill, Izzard reflects on his birth in Yemen and his childhood in Northern Ireland, Wales and London, and muses on animals, male tomboys, street theatre, sex, crime, God, The Great Escape, Bible stories starring Sean Connery and James Mason, and cats who dig for oil. He also reflects on the trials and tribulations of being a cross-dressing surrealist comedian intent on making it in America.")) ok... back to what i was saying, so ive got my feet jammed against the wall pulling this ASS, in addition to 3 muscles in my groin, and this thing moves all of 3/10ths of an inch... so I decided to fold my arms backwards and use them as tent posts, bearing the whole of my body weight for what seemed like eternity!!. oh me poor shoulders.) So they got this donkey, and he's just standin there... and NOW is probably a PERFECT time to say "Rachel, your absolutely delicious!!". *looks around* Ok, i completely lost my train of thought... um, yeeeeaaahhh. Jason and i SHREAD at Pacman Gangbang or whatever that fucking game is called. HE shreads at every OTHER game... including Halo which is absolutely dizzifying (YES thats a werd, god damn it!) with 4 people playing (and them cheating with my controls all backwards)... and i dont play it enough so i was getting destroyed. anywho. It was a great evening, filled with alcohol (everyone else, not me) ...wait, did i talk about the guacamole that Sarah (Jason's gf) made.... holy shitfuckburritos it was scrumptious! Great fun, entertaining people... some good conversation thrown in... im just pissed we didnt tear into Magic: the gathering at all.
look at my teeth!
theres probably more to say, but im more interested in where my bed is and what itll feel like in a few seconds... sweet cabbage farts im tired.
goodnight all (thanks J&S for playtime)
Did some more work then it started to rain and i came home.
tons of fun so far. Oh, and I've had the whistling song for Kill Bill in my head all freaking DAY!! grrrrr GREAT films btw!!
Outkast doing Bombs Over Bagdad make sme wanna jump up dance and throw myself around my apartment!!!

... being careful, of course, not to step on the

***early morning pre-sleepybedtime edit***
It was "Game Night" in Hell, and I was invited. I just got home from the land of fresh guacamole and perverted "shocking" toys. . . (aka GoatsGoToHell & WREERNT's apartment)
Jason has a giant life size mini-donkey figurine in his living room. Ok i guess giant & mini cannot live together in the same sentence, but its not small OK, and weighs 342,000 lbs. (I know because i tried to slide it closer to use it to prop my head against while watching Eddie Izzard's Dressed to Kill", which is the funniest god damn stand up ever in the history of time and cheese!! (("In Dress To Kill, Izzard reflects on his birth in Yemen and his childhood in Northern Ireland, Wales and London, and muses on animals, male tomboys, street theatre, sex, crime, God, The Great Escape, Bible stories starring Sean Connery and James Mason, and cats who dig for oil. He also reflects on the trials and tribulations of being a cross-dressing surrealist comedian intent on making it in America.")) ok... back to what i was saying, so ive got my feet jammed against the wall pulling this ASS, in addition to 3 muscles in my groin, and this thing moves all of 3/10ths of an inch... so I decided to fold my arms backwards and use them as tent posts, bearing the whole of my body weight for what seemed like eternity!!. oh me poor shoulders.) So they got this donkey, and he's just standin there... and NOW is probably a PERFECT time to say "Rachel, your absolutely delicious!!". *looks around* Ok, i completely lost my train of thought... um, yeeeeaaahhh. Jason and i SHREAD at Pacman Gangbang or whatever that fucking game is called. HE shreads at every OTHER game... including Halo which is absolutely dizzifying (YES thats a werd, god damn it!) with 4 people playing (and them cheating with my controls all backwards)... and i dont play it enough so i was getting destroyed. anywho. It was a great evening, filled with alcohol (everyone else, not me) ...wait, did i talk about the guacamole that Sarah (Jason's gf) made.... holy shitfuckburritos it was scrumptious! Great fun, entertaining people... some good conversation thrown in... im just pissed we didnt tear into Magic: the gathering at all.

look at my teeth!

theres probably more to say, but im more interested in where my bed is and what itll feel like in a few seconds... sweet cabbage farts im tired.
goodnight all (thanks J&S for playtime)
I should have used a
so you'd know I got it.

Excuse? Cabbage Farts and Sweet cannot live in the same sentence either.....