Everyday has it diffrences, but today was just basic, i was happy all day today, i even paid attention in all my lectures. Im not sure why but it was a pleasent day. I did happen to see an older women who was looking very good, and it brought out my small fetish for older women lol One day soon i hope to experince an older woman but we will see! Im not sure wht it is but im starting to feel more happy and feel like i am able to open up more. I dont really feel this way just do to the fact that i dont really have anyfriends that i trust anymore because none of them can go a day without telling someone somthing i said. People say dont make promises, i say dont make promises you cant keep. Im still just waitning for that one close friend that i can tell my secerets to, but for right now im content with where im at.
Well thats all for now, I hope everyone has a blessed day. !(: