It always seems that life has a way of sending you little encouraging messages just when you need it most. Last night was no exception.
I went and got my new library card on Monday afternoon and checked out a big old stack of books (seven to be exact!). I've started reading them and it's been a big adventure for me. I cracked open Love... Read More
So I'm pretty sure that once I get my tax return back, I'll be buying a newer, much nicer laptop and get my nipples pierced. I have a friend who has hers done volunteering to go with me for moral support. I'm sure I'll be fine, but it'll be a fun endeavor. Had to tell John he'll have to be hands off for a good... Read More
I was curious what Valentines Day was all about, so I went and looked it up. What I found was this:
One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with... Read More
Was supposed to see Robyn in concert tonight but she got really sick and the show could not go on. But I still got to get my dork on by heading to the book store and buying a Vonnegut book I didn't own already and some new video games.
It's been a bit trying recently finding time to update here. I started a blog over at WordPress for my weight loss goals and plans. I've been doing pretty good with my weight loss. I'm down 22.4 pounds! Yay! =)
Ever striving to be the exception to every cat rule, Figgy is the kitty who decided he would nose dive and get far worse following the placement of his feeding tube and IV fluids instead of better. The vet called a little while ago and suggested we come in to visit with him and love... Read More
No, I'm not a human mother. I haven't born a child or adopted one or anything like that, but my kitty cats are my babies. I'm 25, I'm not married yet, I may never be able to have kids naturally, and my kitties are my babies. Deal with it.
That being said, one of my kitty cats is very sick right now and I'm absolutely... Read More