Oops. Forgot to post this here last night.
Last Night's Entry
I should be in bed, but I'm frustrated and if I don't get it out now, I won't be able to sleep anyways.
Bruce has really screwed me up the ass! He fucked up and didn't send me a copy of the "Hey what's your schedule look like this semester?" e-mail over the summer, so I JUST got it after everyone else had been given times. I told him VERY specifically when I was NOT able to work and that I would love to be on the schedule for more hours than I was last year, did he read any of that? I don't think so.
The man scheduled me to work over a time that I VERY clearly stated I COULD NOT work. I told him I'm a house girl at the house and I told him when. Apparently, I can be two places at once now. Isn't that amazing? So, after being taken out of that slot, I now work FEWER hours than I did last semester and FEWER still than the NEW people there. I was a damn good worker. I picked up the slack for everyone who ever called in at the last moment or just didn't show. I made sure to let them know that I was there and that I wanted to be and now I have no hours.
I need the money! I have to pay tuition! My freaking loan didn't go through! I can't afford seven THOUSAND dollars out of pocket for ONE semester here. Hell, I'd have trouble coming up with seven hundred in a short amount of time.
If this does not remedy itself by Thanksgiving, I'm telling you all now, I will not be here next semester. I can't take the stress of it or the financial strain. I'm doing everything I can to catch up and get ahead, but something about Witt keeps kicking me back down and behind.
Today's Entry
Well, last night was my "AHH!" moment for the back to school days. Today, apart from just stubbing my toe and sleeping through lunch, went blissfully well. I woke up with my alarm clock, walked with Paul to class, got to class with lots of time to spare, made a new "friend" in my chem class, had a great nap, got to Experimental Design early, found out that Ellen isn't my only buddy in there (Nicole, Halley, Julianna, and Jenny are all in there too!), got a job at the psych office(!!!!) working three days a week, and I'm talking to the boy. Besides, it's an amazingly beautiful day.
I just have to remind myself to think positive sometimes and things will work out.
Thanks for that little prayer Scott, it seemed to do the trick.
Last Night's Entry
I should be in bed, but I'm frustrated and if I don't get it out now, I won't be able to sleep anyways.
Bruce has really screwed me up the ass! He fucked up and didn't send me a copy of the "Hey what's your schedule look like this semester?" e-mail over the summer, so I JUST got it after everyone else had been given times. I told him VERY specifically when I was NOT able to work and that I would love to be on the schedule for more hours than I was last year, did he read any of that? I don't think so.
The man scheduled me to work over a time that I VERY clearly stated I COULD NOT work. I told him I'm a house girl at the house and I told him when. Apparently, I can be two places at once now. Isn't that amazing? So, after being taken out of that slot, I now work FEWER hours than I did last semester and FEWER still than the NEW people there. I was a damn good worker. I picked up the slack for everyone who ever called in at the last moment or just didn't show. I made sure to let them know that I was there and that I wanted to be and now I have no hours.
I need the money! I have to pay tuition! My freaking loan didn't go through! I can't afford seven THOUSAND dollars out of pocket for ONE semester here. Hell, I'd have trouble coming up with seven hundred in a short amount of time.
If this does not remedy itself by Thanksgiving, I'm telling you all now, I will not be here next semester. I can't take the stress of it or the financial strain. I'm doing everything I can to catch up and get ahead, but something about Witt keeps kicking me back down and behind.
Today's Entry
Well, last night was my "AHH!" moment for the back to school days. Today, apart from just stubbing my toe and sleeping through lunch, went blissfully well. I woke up with my alarm clock, walked with Paul to class, got to class with lots of time to spare, made a new "friend" in my chem class, had a great nap, got to Experimental Design early, found out that Ellen isn't my only buddy in there (Nicole, Halley, Julianna, and Jenny are all in there too!), got a job at the psych office(!!!!) working three days a week, and I'm talking to the boy. Besides, it's an amazingly beautiful day.
I just have to remind myself to think positive sometimes and things will work out.
Thanks for that little prayer Scott, it seemed to do the trick.

i hope things can be worked out.