I'm allergic to life!
No, seriously, I haven't done anything different in weeks and now, all of a sudden, I have this weird rash thing that it eating me alive. SOOOOOO itchy! It started on my neck and has made it all swelly and I was going to get my drivers' license made for Ohio today. Fat chance of that happening now. I'm not real keen on the idea of having this evil in my dl picture.
They couldn't do the e-check on my car today either. Something was being weird so I now have to take it to a mechanic and have them say it's okay and they can test it for real this time. I think this means I'm going to just leave my car home. My mom and I should be able to move me in without my brother's help this time since I'm not taking that much.
I'm mostly packed right now. I just have to finish folding my clean laundry, pack that, pack my shoes, grab the chairs from storage, get my dvds and vhses together, and load my car. I do need to clean the turtle tank, but since I can't take my car to school at the moment, I'm not going to be able to take it. That's okay though, my family will watch him until such a time that things work themselves out.
I need to call financial aid now though and make sure they can get me some money. I'll make an appointment for tomorrow while my mom is up there too to sign things and so forth. FA and I have been playing chase the goose though. I can't ever get ahold of them and they can't get ahold of me. If we don't fix this today, however, they will yank my enrollment for this upcoming semester though, and that's not cool.
*itch itch*
I'm off.
No, seriously, I haven't done anything different in weeks and now, all of a sudden, I have this weird rash thing that it eating me alive. SOOOOOO itchy! It started on my neck and has made it all swelly and I was going to get my drivers' license made for Ohio today. Fat chance of that happening now. I'm not real keen on the idea of having this evil in my dl picture.
They couldn't do the e-check on my car today either. Something was being weird so I now have to take it to a mechanic and have them say it's okay and they can test it for real this time. I think this means I'm going to just leave my car home. My mom and I should be able to move me in without my brother's help this time since I'm not taking that much.
I'm mostly packed right now. I just have to finish folding my clean laundry, pack that, pack my shoes, grab the chairs from storage, get my dvds and vhses together, and load my car. I do need to clean the turtle tank, but since I can't take my car to school at the moment, I'm not going to be able to take it. That's okay though, my family will watch him until such a time that things work themselves out.
I need to call financial aid now though and make sure they can get me some money. I'll make an appointment for tomorrow while my mom is up there too to sign things and so forth. FA and I have been playing chase the goose though. I can't ever get ahold of them and they can't get ahold of me. If we don't fix this today, however, they will yank my enrollment for this upcoming semester though, and that's not cool.
*itch itch*
I'm off.
you best be getting in touch with me so we can hang out when you're at school, ok?
what school are you going to?