It's been interesting, very interesting. Take this for example: A gay friend from high school recently decided that he wanted to date one of my female friends and leave his former boyfriend. Now, he's bi. *nods* And these are two of the only friends I actually keep in touch with from high school. It's cool and awesome for them, but weird all at the same time. We all just keep changing.
I hate the Canadians boss. The man is the epithamy of jackass and only helps to fule my dislike for American men. Is it really that hard to give a straight answer? The boy is a good worker. GIVE HIM THE DAYS OFF! GRR! I guess the only thing that might turn out nicely about this is that if his boss doesn't give him a straight answer when he talks to him tomorrow then he is just going to proceed like he has those days off and call in sick or something. That's what I'm hoping happens. That or he just gets those days off.
I'm really excited about the trip to Canada. I've never been, I get to see my boy, it's a break from life here, lalalala, what's not to love? Oh, I'll tell you. I've never driven that far by myself that late at night (I'm going after work); I have to meet his peoples; my cell phone is not on at the moment; and I'm just prone to doing the "what ifs." This is another silly thing to worry about, but I'm afraid to eat. I'm really not wanting to eat up there in front of him. When I eat anything recently I feel really ill too, which is not fun when you are with someone.
Trying not to let the nervous tension outweigh the excitedness, and it isn't so far, but damn I hate butterflies.
Oh well.
Sorry if this is rambly and lacking in the sense department. I'm REALLY tired all of a sudden and blah.
I hate the Canadians boss. The man is the epithamy of jackass and only helps to fule my dislike for American men. Is it really that hard to give a straight answer? The boy is a good worker. GIVE HIM THE DAYS OFF! GRR! I guess the only thing that might turn out nicely about this is that if his boss doesn't give him a straight answer when he talks to him tomorrow then he is just going to proceed like he has those days off and call in sick or something. That's what I'm hoping happens. That or he just gets those days off.
I'm really excited about the trip to Canada. I've never been, I get to see my boy, it's a break from life here, lalalala, what's not to love? Oh, I'll tell you. I've never driven that far by myself that late at night (I'm going after work); I have to meet his peoples; my cell phone is not on at the moment; and I'm just prone to doing the "what ifs." This is another silly thing to worry about, but I'm afraid to eat. I'm really not wanting to eat up there in front of him. When I eat anything recently I feel really ill too, which is not fun when you are with someone.
Trying not to let the nervous tension outweigh the excitedness, and it isn't so far, but damn I hate butterflies.
Oh well.
Sorry if this is rambly and lacking in the sense department. I'm REALLY tired all of a sudden and blah.
ahh! I'm excited that you get to take a trip. I know what you mean though, about the "what ifs" Cause I do the same damn thing. Just relax and have FUN! and eat some food! Especially fun food, that comes with whip cream....or you could just use the whip cream on him...............