My Weekend So Far
... has been pretty kick ass.
Came home yesterday and started doing laundry. Boring, I know, but highly necessary. I figured out what I'm doing with my life these next couple months as well and that's a nice benefit. Went out to eat with Dan. I love me some Habanero. He enjoyed it as well and from what I was told particularly liked the chips. It's true, they have amazing home made chips.
I spent a good deal of time hanging out with my mom and brother and just chatting and reading and the like until it was time to head over to Joe's. At Joe's I was made hot chocolate and we hung out in his cold ass house for as little time as humanly possible. Watched him chug cappacino, didn't look like much fun at all. We headed out to this girl named Hilly's place in Clifton, right down the street from where I had eaten earlier.
After the 4 floor climb up we hung out for a while and I met some new people. Joe's friend Sarah kept offering me alcohol but as the good girl I am, I declined so I could drive. I've never seen someone drink that much peach schnapps so quickly though. From there we headed out to the Poison Room (formerly the Viper Room) and danced and had a damn good time until Joe got hit by a beer can in the face. I had a fun time dancing with Sarah, Joe, and Sarah's friend Kurt. I was mistaken for Joe's current girlfriend by this girl Laurie and Hilly but we set them straight.
The plans for the rest of the weekend include, but are not limited to: Finishing laundry, driving back up to school, and sleeping. These plans will go into the week in the form of fixing my financial aid (ie. getting another loan, UGH!), sending an e-mail out to my house, talking to the appropriate people, informing my boss of my decision, and packing. Ick ick and more ick.
... has been pretty kick ass.
Came home yesterday and started doing laundry. Boring, I know, but highly necessary. I figured out what I'm doing with my life these next couple months as well and that's a nice benefit. Went out to eat with Dan. I love me some Habanero. He enjoyed it as well and from what I was told particularly liked the chips. It's true, they have amazing home made chips.
I spent a good deal of time hanging out with my mom and brother and just chatting and reading and the like until it was time to head over to Joe's. At Joe's I was made hot chocolate and we hung out in his cold ass house for as little time as humanly possible. Watched him chug cappacino, didn't look like much fun at all. We headed out to this girl named Hilly's place in Clifton, right down the street from where I had eaten earlier.
After the 4 floor climb up we hung out for a while and I met some new people. Joe's friend Sarah kept offering me alcohol but as the good girl I am, I declined so I could drive. I've never seen someone drink that much peach schnapps so quickly though. From there we headed out to the Poison Room (formerly the Viper Room) and danced and had a damn good time until Joe got hit by a beer can in the face. I had a fun time dancing with Sarah, Joe, and Sarah's friend Kurt. I was mistaken for Joe's current girlfriend by this girl Laurie and Hilly but we set them straight.
The plans for the rest of the weekend include, but are not limited to: Finishing laundry, driving back up to school, and sleeping. These plans will go into the week in the form of fixing my financial aid (ie. getting another loan, UGH!), sending an e-mail out to my house, talking to the appropriate people, informing my boss of my decision, and packing. Ick ick and more ick.
my weekend has included a friend from interstate visiting, another close friends 21st birthday, a tattoo show, lots of cups of tea and playing MarioKart. today i'm babysitting my 10-month-old twin nieces
best wishes babe xox
hope life is still treating you just that well