Smoked, drank coffee, and had sex twice.
I think that makes for a pretty good night, wouldn't you?
Soooooooooooooooooo... turns out I may have needed those condoms afterall, I had sex tonight. Twice. Pretty soon after each other. That boy was insatiable. And fucking amazing! And uh... you probably didn't want to read that, did you? Well, too bad. I'm on a multiple amazing sex moments this evening high. And I don't think I've ever been told I was cute so many times ("You have a really cute face." "You have a cute nose." "You are just sooo cute."), talk about an ego boost. This kid is great, real great. I don't think it will ever lead anywhere romantic, but he'll make an amazing friend for more than just the sex reason, we have so fucking much in common. I've grown to greatly dislike random/sex buddy situations, but for some reason this one was okay.
Before that funness he and his "sister" and I went out to this cool coffee shop, but only after we smoked in his car on the way there. I'm gonna be honest, being in such a new and busy atmosphere while high, it was a bit much to all take in at once and Ben kept poking my face! I would have bit him had my reflexes been fast enough, but alas, they were not. But it was some good stuff, real nice. Went down easy and had me gone real fast. *le sigh*
I can't wait until I hang out with Ben again!
Ellen, if you're reading this, this was that really cute kid who I showed you a picture of him being silly the other day. I think I deserve a pat on the back for this one.
Oh, and I just jumped into double digits. Hehehe.
I think that makes for a pretty good night, wouldn't you?
Soooooooooooooooooo... turns out I may have needed those condoms afterall, I had sex tonight. Twice. Pretty soon after each other. That boy was insatiable. And fucking amazing! And uh... you probably didn't want to read that, did you? Well, too bad. I'm on a multiple amazing sex moments this evening high. And I don't think I've ever been told I was cute so many times ("You have a really cute face." "You have a cute nose." "You are just sooo cute."), talk about an ego boost. This kid is great, real great. I don't think it will ever lead anywhere romantic, but he'll make an amazing friend for more than just the sex reason, we have so fucking much in common. I've grown to greatly dislike random/sex buddy situations, but for some reason this one was okay.
Before that funness he and his "sister" and I went out to this cool coffee shop, but only after we smoked in his car on the way there. I'm gonna be honest, being in such a new and busy atmosphere while high, it was a bit much to all take in at once and Ben kept poking my face! I would have bit him had my reflexes been fast enough, but alas, they were not. But it was some good stuff, real nice. Went down easy and had me gone real fast. *le sigh*
I can't wait until I hang out with Ben again!
Ellen, if you're reading this, this was that really cute kid who I showed you a picture of him being silly the other day. I think I deserve a pat on the back for this one.

Oh, and I just jumped into double digits. Hehehe.