I've become very boring these days, but I kinda like the simplicity of living a boring life.
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Friday Jun 02, 2006
Justin informed me that he has a crush on me this evening and we hung… -
Thursday Jun 01, 2006
*grin* I have plans with Mike this afternoon. That's exciting. … -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
I just got home from what can only be called an amazing date. I mean,… -
Monday May 29, 2006
What the fuck is up with me meeting so many really hott guys recently… -
Thursday May 25, 2006
So, the kid I'm totally in love with, you know, the one I talked abou… -
Sunday May 21, 2006
I just talked to Rob for like 5 hours. He told me he was going to bed… -
Sunday May 21, 2006
I totally just developed my first crush on someone in a really long t… -
Sunday May 14, 2006
Lots of new pictures in my "ME" folder. Feel free to check them out. … -
Saturday May 13, 2006
Wow, I didn't realize it, but Allison, you were totally right! One en… -
Friday May 12, 2006
Smoked, drank coffee, and had sex twice. I think that makes for a …