I'm just curious... How many people have to work on Thanksgiving?
I'm not really talking about Police or EMTs, etc.. I know A TON of retailers near me are not even closing for the next two or three days straight. They are literally not closing their doors at all. It blows my mind. I feel it is incredibly disrespectful for companies to actually expect people to work when they are supposed to be having FAMILY TIME. Is it any wonder why this nation is completely stressed, obese, depressed, and full of crime? It's simple really... give people the time they need to see their loved ones.. it is only one damn day after all..No, instead companies observe holidays like "Columbus Day" or "Presidents Day".
To any one that is working... I am so sorry that corporations are running America, and you are being sucked into the black hole. It isn't fair at all. I will not be working on the holiday. Or any fucking Holiday. I have my own small family unit, and we will be spending our day together, at home and possibly the beach for a few hours. Don't get me wrong.. If you are working through the holiday, this is not meant to be a put down on you at all. Do what you feel you have to do to keep your cash flow or support your family.. I, also, WILL NOT be participating in Black Friday (which now starts at 4 pm on Thanksgiving day near me). I never have and I never will. Participation in that would guarantee me a jail cell... ANYWAY.. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Thanks for listening to my rant. You are welcome to go back to your cooking now. :)