You know what i really hate? When you finally find someone that you feel like you belong with. When you wake up in the mo0rni8n, they are the first thing on your mind. And when you go to sleep at night, they are the last thing on your mind. You feel complete with that person. Everything you do seems to revolve around them, and then they push you away.
I still feel like i love jeff. But this past week its felt like he hasnt wanted anything to do with me. I mean He hasnt wanted to really talk to me that much on the phone much less even fucking look at me. He hasnt spent any time with me this week. Wait i take that back, maybe he spent one day with me for a few hours. WOO HOO. Great fucking deal. I feel like a goddamned reject. I just want someone who really wants me and wants to be with me. Not someone who wants to come around when they want to get laid or when its convenient for them. Jeff never comes to my house. Compared to all the times i go to his house, Im doing all the fuckng work, Starting to remind me of how things were when i was with Jack. There is no comparison between Jeff and Jack., but this situation is becommng more and more alike. I dont really know what the deal is with Jeff. I trust him, and i dont want to think otherwise, but with all of a sudden pushing me completely out like that, thats not cool. I guess its because its so out of the blue, its really made me start to wonder, what is really going on? Why does it seem that hes so busy and doesnt have time for the girl who would bend over backwards for him?? And see, i dont like going down that train of thought. It makes me get ideas that may or may not be true. I just want to wholeheartedly know the truth from him. And i never seem to get it.
I still feel like i love jeff. But this past week its felt like he hasnt wanted anything to do with me. I mean He hasnt wanted to really talk to me that much on the phone much less even fucking look at me. He hasnt spent any time with me this week. Wait i take that back, maybe he spent one day with me for a few hours. WOO HOO. Great fucking deal. I feel like a goddamned reject. I just want someone who really wants me and wants to be with me. Not someone who wants to come around when they want to get laid or when its convenient for them. Jeff never comes to my house. Compared to all the times i go to his house, Im doing all the fuckng work, Starting to remind me of how things were when i was with Jack. There is no comparison between Jeff and Jack., but this situation is becommng more and more alike. I dont really know what the deal is with Jeff. I trust him, and i dont want to think otherwise, but with all of a sudden pushing me completely out like that, thats not cool. I guess its because its so out of the blue, its really made me start to wonder, what is really going on? Why does it seem that hes so busy and doesnt have time for the girl who would bend over backwards for him?? And see, i dont like going down that train of thought. It makes me get ideas that may or may not be true. I just want to wholeheartedly know the truth from him. And i never seem to get it.