**(hie guys and dolls!)** How are things with you all? Having a good weekend????
My sister is staying at a hotel with a water park inside of it. Im so jealous! >.<
many thanks to those who sent me happy birthday wishes! Im replying to the comments left yesterday. Please be patient because im takin my time!
Last night me, Jeff, Shawn, Ronice, Ronnie, and arian went to Jose Older than Dirt. It was so fun! Well up until they played Love Shack, lol. I got completely hammered on redbull & vodka, and my 3 glasses (not shots) of Jack Daniels. I got pissy drunk and didnt even wake up with a hangover BONUS! But i did have a weird ass dream:
It started at Jeffs house, then i decided to go camping out in the woods by myself. I had a tent set up and for some reason i had a sleeping bag set up about 8 feet from the tent. I built a treehouse directly above the tent and there was a yamaha grand piano on top of it. I was about to lay down when a small girl wandered over to me. She had no eyes and was wearing a white nightgown. She whispered something to me. and she hugged me and skipped away. Then i layed down and slept for like two seconds and the treehouse and the piano collapsed and crushed my tent. So i decided then that i needed to go to the supermarket. So i walked into the supermarket which was completely empty except for my gay bois(steven, Justin, and Lawson). So we went back to Lawsons old house and danced and danced and danced. Then i woke up. But the dream was on again off again because i kept waking up in the middle of the night.
Teh Jeff and i got up around 8:45 and went to a bunch of yard sales. of course he got TONS of stuff. He got a lot of GI Joe figures. We have this ongoing pitch. Whenever we go to yard sales the code is that we have a 4 year old son who destroys toys, so we're always on the lookout for more toys for him, lol. I ended up finding a Bassoon for $15. For those of you who dont know, in elementary, junior high, and high school (except for my senior year) i was a band geek. Yes there, i admit it...shut up!!!
But i played flute and Oboe. After i graduated from high school, i sold my Oboe for like $200 to a music store. After we got back home, I called Miles Ahead (which is the best insturment dealer around here for woodwind instruments). Miles wasnt in but he will be on Monday at 9. I told them that i wanted to sell it but the cork on the head needs to be replaced. They told me that i wouldnt have to worry about getting that repaired before hand. They want me to bring it to them so they can take a look at it. Once they see it, they will buy it from me and then make any repairs needed before they resell it. that lands me some extra cash.
My brother is going to give me some money for my birthday when he gets out of work today. More money. Monday im getting to cash both of the paychecks i got from Dakota. thats almost $300. So my plan is to get my long awaited tattoos this week. Im sure i will have more than enough $$ to do so. The MAJOR one i want is a Tarot Card in the middle of my back. this one....
The others are tribal-ish designs i drew and they will be on each of my sides...the tattoos will be my birthday gift to myself. Jeff got me an awesome gift well he got me lots of awesome gifts but the one i really like is this deck and some CDS and a healing crystal. Im gonna take a nap for a bit LOVE YOU GUYS!
My sister is staying at a hotel with a water park inside of it. Im so jealous! >.<
many thanks to those who sent me happy birthday wishes! Im replying to the comments left yesterday. Please be patient because im takin my time!
Last night me, Jeff, Shawn, Ronice, Ronnie, and arian went to Jose Older than Dirt. It was so fun! Well up until they played Love Shack, lol. I got completely hammered on redbull & vodka, and my 3 glasses (not shots) of Jack Daniels. I got pissy drunk and didnt even wake up with a hangover BONUS! But i did have a weird ass dream:
It started at Jeffs house, then i decided to go camping out in the woods by myself. I had a tent set up and for some reason i had a sleeping bag set up about 8 feet from the tent. I built a treehouse directly above the tent and there was a yamaha grand piano on top of it. I was about to lay down when a small girl wandered over to me. She had no eyes and was wearing a white nightgown. She whispered something to me. and she hugged me and skipped away. Then i layed down and slept for like two seconds and the treehouse and the piano collapsed and crushed my tent. So i decided then that i needed to go to the supermarket. So i walked into the supermarket which was completely empty except for my gay bois(steven, Justin, and Lawson). So we went back to Lawsons old house and danced and danced and danced. Then i woke up. But the dream was on again off again because i kept waking up in the middle of the night.
Teh Jeff and i got up around 8:45 and went to a bunch of yard sales. of course he got TONS of stuff. He got a lot of GI Joe figures. We have this ongoing pitch. Whenever we go to yard sales the code is that we have a 4 year old son who destroys toys, so we're always on the lookout for more toys for him, lol. I ended up finding a Bassoon for $15. For those of you who dont know, in elementary, junior high, and high school (except for my senior year) i was a band geek. Yes there, i admit it...shut up!!!

My brother is going to give me some money for my birthday when he gets out of work today. More money. Monday im getting to cash both of the paychecks i got from Dakota. thats almost $300. So my plan is to get my long awaited tattoos this week. Im sure i will have more than enough $$ to do so. The MAJOR one i want is a Tarot Card in the middle of my back. this one....

The others are tribal-ish designs i drew and they will be on each of my sides...the tattoos will be my birthday gift to myself. Jeff got me an awesome gift well he got me lots of awesome gifts but the one i really like is this deck and some CDS and a healing crystal. Im gonna take a nap for a bit LOVE YOU GUYS!