Oh my god. Amanda just called me to tell me terrible news. Kevin Corbin, i worked with this guy at the movies. He died Saturday...AT WORK. He was trying to lift a box and had a brain anyurism and fell out. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. He was such a sweet guy. LOVED Lebowskifest too much, but a sweetie. *my regards are with his family*
is just fuking scary! Ive noticed a tred of the girls on mojo...a lot of the girls who are hardcore Grotesque Burlesque fans look like
this. Why do they all look like john mayer?? He has the most beautiful mouth ive ever seen, but besides that, i dont find him attractive.
Im on autopilot right now. I feel like im sleep walking. Jeff called me earlier apologizing for upsetting me earlier. My heart completely shattered
I dont have the effort anymore. I didnt have the effort to argue anymore. I didnt have the effort to scream, cry, bitch, yell, i just slept. I dont know why ive been really sick. Damn you illness, keeping me sick
But its getting to be just like the last time back in the fall when i was really sick. for 3 months i was sick. My mother who is a nurse, thought it was my appendix. So did the doctor i went to see. But because of the catscan costing $1000 (which i never got), noone really knows what the problem was/is. Now i still have the same pain in my stomach and lower abdomen, but my legs also hurt, and my back, neck, and ive got chronic headaches. I know i know i know, quit yer bitching and go to the doctor. I didnt make an appointment yesterday because i slept all day. But when i get up later today, i will make an appointment.

Im on autopilot right now. I feel like im sleep walking. Jeff called me earlier apologizing for upsetting me earlier. My heart completely shattered

But its getting to be just like the last time back in the fall when i was really sick. for 3 months i was sick. My mother who is a nurse, thought it was my appendix. So did the doctor i went to see. But because of the catscan costing $1000 (which i never got), noone really knows what the problem was/is. Now i still have the same pain in my stomach and lower abdomen, but my legs also hurt, and my back, neck, and ive got chronic headaches. I know i know i know, quit yer bitching and go to the doctor. I didnt make an appointment yesterday because i slept all day. But when i get up later today, i will make an appointment.
hey!.. I saw your post in Pen Pals so when you get a chance please join my Latina group