I love belly dancing. It makes me feel powerful. And the new belly dancing videos i got today are totally kicking my ass. I suck at shimmies. This chick had me doing shimmy circles, shimmies while trotting, shimmy-ing all over the damn place. My hip shimmies are slowly improving, but my shoulders need tons of work. But still i need to do them along with my new pilates video when i get in from work in the mornings. I am bound and determined to lose weight dammmit! Cant stay much longer, must go kill myself doing pilates. how much fun is this going to be, lol. I seem to be on a roll this morning with my workouts completely obliterating me.
Yesterday i got terribly sick. Like i puked at Jeffs house 3 times, and then puked again at work. But when i first started getting sick, i wasnt throwing anything up. All id eaten prior to getting ill was strawberries. I know the sun had a lot to do with it. When Jeff, Ceasar and myself were at Heines gettting coffee, i started feeling really queazy, and then gave Ceasar the rest of my Vanilla iceburg (yummy!). Then at a thrift store i really almost died because they had no air and it felt like it was 200 degrees. Then in Beuhlers i damn near passed out 2 times. Jeff felt my arm and my head and my fingers and said that they felt like ice. When we got home, i made a b line straight to the bathroom and proceeded to bow down to the porcelain god, lol. I almost called in to work but i knew i couldnt afford another occurance. Plus it was payday. But at work i got sick and my supervisor wouldnt even let me go home. I mean shit, i didnt have that many overlabels and he could have gotten someone else to go to runout. *shrugs* I should call in tomorrow. Nah, We need all the people we can get tomorrow because we've already got 7 planes backed up and because of that we have to be in at work at 11. We'll probably be there after 5am too..more like 6 im willing to bet. Oh well, more overtime!
Yesterday i got terribly sick. Like i puked at Jeffs house 3 times, and then puked again at work. But when i first started getting sick, i wasnt throwing anything up. All id eaten prior to getting ill was strawberries. I know the sun had a lot to do with it. When Jeff, Ceasar and myself were at Heines gettting coffee, i started feeling really queazy, and then gave Ceasar the rest of my Vanilla iceburg (yummy!). Then at a thrift store i really almost died because they had no air and it felt like it was 200 degrees. Then in Beuhlers i damn near passed out 2 times. Jeff felt my arm and my head and my fingers and said that they felt like ice. When we got home, i made a b line straight to the bathroom and proceeded to bow down to the porcelain god, lol. I almost called in to work but i knew i couldnt afford another occurance. Plus it was payday. But at work i got sick and my supervisor wouldnt even let me go home. I mean shit, i didnt have that many overlabels and he could have gotten someone else to go to runout. *shrugs* I should call in tomorrow. Nah, We need all the people we can get tomorrow because we've already got 7 planes backed up and because of that we have to be in at work at 11. We'll probably be there after 5am too..more like 6 im willing to bet. Oh well, more overtime!
you got all kinds of videos huh?